[center][img=http://creativefan.com/important/cf/2013/01/teenage-hairstyles/boy-hairstyle.jpg] [ Aislin Rose | 16 | Female ] [i]"Magic is within the bend of the illusory reality."[/i][/center] [hider=Fanart] [img=https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10653578_957965634218648_4162894951998317547_n.jpg?oh=0c642dd9eea04aea73a7116defe10423&oe=54E78DC3] Portrait of Aislin in her natural disposition [img=https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10698549_962333950448483_8492688362331032641_n.jpg?oh=2d3fd2f94a99f39d8b312536034321ac&oe=55196574] Aislin and Dana [/hider] [hider=Theme] [youtube]JGDSWFkLOKc[/youtube] [/hider] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc: [/b]Curiosity  [b]Height:[/b] 5'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 118 lbs. [b]Status: [/b]New Student [indent][i]Appearance[/i][/indent] [b]Hair Color: [/b]Dusty brunette [b]Eye Color: [/b]Vivid caribbean blue [b]Ethnicity: [/b]Canadian/Caucasian  [b]Physical Appearance: [/b]Short, wispy hair, smooth skin and keen eyes. Aislin considers herself short, always taking notice of those she can actually see over. She's slim yet curvy, not a lot of meat on her bones. She's found her face more circular than she would like, but her high cheek bones make up for her modest chin. Her hands are tiny, but her fingers are long, slender, and not at all sausage-like. Her body is adorned with light freckles along her arms and across the bridge of her nose. [b]Attire: [/b]Aslin normally wears whatever she feels, and that's usually a flashy graphic tee and black skinnies, maybe a pair of aviator shades. She gets cold easy and likes to bring hoodies along. Sometimes on days when she's slept in and believes her hair is simply atrocious she'll tout a beanie -- stylish and time-saving at the same time~!  [indent][i]Personality[/i][/indent] [b]Outward & Innate Personality: [/b]Aislin walks the world in awe of the magic she knows exists, holding close to her heart that reality is only how one perceives it. Previously living a good portion of her time alone, she's what you'd call a daydreamer -- her head is wrapped up in the clouds and she's content to keep it there. 'Curiosity' was at one point what her parents called her when she was known for her crazy explorations. New things, old things, interesting trinkets in antique stores -- these all bring joy to her. Music, nature and meditation is her soul-food. Spirituality and meditation is a big deal to her as it's the key in accessing her powers. She loves beautiful things and tries to create beauty. Love and peace come naturally to her; she couldn't hurt a fly, though injustice is something she'll never stand for. With that comes an intolerance for people's bullshit, only because it's the one thing that grates on her ears like none else.  Her imagination is something she truly revels in, at one point bringing the excitement in her head down to paper in poetry and drawings -- since the manifestations of her ability she's gone beyond simple paper and ink. However, she's very private. She's excellent with talking to others, but she has no interest forging friendships with people who's narrow-minded-ness can't understand her philosophical, sensitive side. In that sense she can be very condescending. In her dealings with friends and associates she is kind, humorous, and stays in the flow of the conversation's harmony. She embraces her emotions, often commenting that getting super excited is half the fun. Over time she becomes more intimate and shares little gems she's acquired in her ponderings. She does have a mischievous side, but it's mild and all in the name of fun. How Aislin is when she finds herself alone isn't much different. She's often experimenting with her ability, pondering, getting lost in some crazy adventure, or meditating. Her own temperament is one of light and fluidity, and she does not find pleasure in the dark. Well, that's not true. She likes weed, a lot, hehe. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] -- Weed -- Drawing/Poetry -- Reading/Learning -- Taoism  -- Music  -- Nature -- Collecting curious objects  [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] -- Artistry -- Observation  -- Meditation -- Free spirit -- Insatiable curiosity/Imagination  -- Toying with Animations [b]Prized Possession: [/b]Her stuffed penguin, a well-loved stuffy she sleeps with every night and has owned since her humble days at the orphanage. She'll often carry intimate conversations with Tao about her concerns and insights. If she's super bummed about something Tao will come with her. Everywhere. Like a security blanket.  [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Magic is within the bend of the illusory reality."[/i] [b]History/Bio:[/b] Her earliest memories took place in an orphanage. She had no idea who or where her biological parents were, but she made due with what she had. By the time she was adopted, her room was covered from ceiling to floor with abstract colours and designs. Already at a young age she had the desire to fill up white spaces, walls were no exception. Because it in fact improved the room, the caretakers kept it. She was nine when she left the orphanage, adopted by a well-off business couple who wanted a perfect child without the hassle of raising a baby. They adored how imaginative she could be, giving her all kinds of expensive art supplies to fuel her creativity. But typically they were too busy with work-related things to give her the full amount of love and attention she needed. Yes, there were hugs and kisses. Yes, they treated her kindly and fed her plenty. There was always money for nice things, and she was a little spoiled. But to sit down with her mother or father, one-on-one? That was rare indeed.  In later years Aislin quickly grew accustom to an empty house while her parents were away on business trips, staying late at the office and the like. They did try to give her playmates from the neighborhood so she wouldn't be so lonely, but Aislin found she had no desire to connect with girls addicted to their phones, make-up, and gossip. Eventually they stopped coming over, which left Aislin an infinite amount of time to do whatever she wanted. In her time alone she was never bored, always bursting with new ideas. Always looking up new bits of information on the Internet. Always trying new things. Exploring the nature outside for inspiration. Honestly, at first an empty house scared her. But she found the peace and quiet almost preferable to having to share the sound-space. Her solitude was only ever unbearable when she thought there were monsters in the closet, or if a genius idea struck her.  Eventually Aislin began noticing the strange phenomena surrounding her on occasion. Rippling floor boards, walking cutlery, you name it. Her first instinct was not one of fear, but of curiosity. Through experimenting profusely she was able to re-create certain phenomena when in a quiet state of mind, and she quickly learned meditation techniques to further intensify this state. She found herself animating water that could roll along the floor, artful designs on the wall that danced to life, and a number of little things that opened Aislin's mind to this: [b]"Magic is within the bend of the illusory reality."[/b] In her day-to-day life Aislin kept her new gift a secret, and did so for months until one day in school. Her daydreams veered into a state of non-thought, the same state she needed when breathing life into the cutlery back home. Before she knew it her eraser grew a mind of its own and decided to waddle off the edge of her desk. They ended up playing cat-and-mouse under the desks, attracting the entire classes' attention to the chase and eventual wriggling rubber in her hands. Jaws hit the floor, and someone whispered,[b] "Wiiiitch..." [/b]Aislin excused herself from class, walked home, and cried.  Shortly after, Aislin was expelled from that school for 'mis-behavior'. Really, she knew they were grasping straws. What the school didn't understand, they feared. Somehow they must have placed her in the same category as the strange phenomena, and decided to remove themselves from it completely. Mr. And Mrs. Rose were furious when they heard, immediately protesting against the administration board.  It was this that led to an invitation from Academy 218, and the moment Aislin saw the card, she was excited. Like, her excitement was so intense, it was like rainbows threatening to burst from her chest. This was what she needed, a place more suited to her and her ambitions. She didn't care who or what, she wanted to be at the Academy as soon as she could. Her parents were happy to oblige.  [b]Family: [/b] Mira Rose - Adopted mother David Rose - Adopted father Biological parents unknown. [indent][i]Relationships[/i][/indent] [b]Deborah Termellio[/b] | [b]Good [/b]| [b]Friend [/b]| [i]"Her perception is amazing, I wish I could know half of what she picks up in a day." [/i] [b]Shannon Balore[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Friend[/b] | [i]"Oh Shannon, she can get so cynical sometimes, heh." [/i] [b]Alex Beta[/b] | [b]Apprehensive [/b]| [b]Friend [/b]| [i]"I think Alex might be avoiding me..." [/i] [b]Henry Olin[/b] | [b]Respected[/b] | [b]Teacher[/b] | [i]"He saved my life. I couldn't ever repay him."[/i] [b]Dana Alcott[/b] | [b]Respected[/b] | [b]Friend[/b] | [i]"She came in the nick of time. We would all be dead without her."[/i] [b]Theresa Obott[/b] | [b]Respected[/b] | [b]Friend[/b] | [i]"I wouldn't be here today if she hadn't taken a trip into the jungle."[/i] [b]Jaska Valos[/b] | [b]Guilty[/b] | [b]???[/b] | [i]"I don't know where we stand. I want him to know that I hold nothing against him... But I don't know if I could face him. I'm terrified."[/i] [b]Amanda Blackmore[/b] | [b]Disgusted[/b] | [b]Enemy[/b] | [i]"What a bitch."[/i] [b]Nicholas Raynor[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Friend[/b] | [i]"His healing flame was amazing, totally put me to sleep. He's quite an innocent kid, though."[/i] [b]Jake Valos[/b] | [b]Apprehensive[/b] | [b]Acquaintance[/b] | [i]"He knows how to make an intimidating entrance. But I didn't mind talking to him."[/i] [b]Gabe Valos[/b] | [b]Apprehensive[/b] | [b]Acquaintance[/b] | [i]"She's cold, man."[/i] [indent][I]Abilities[/i][/indent] [b]Power Class: [/b] Other 6 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Animation[/i] -- "The power to give crude life to inanimate objects. Not to be confused with Creation as the lives of animations are tied to the user and not their own." ~SuperpowerWiki To animate say, a chair, Aislin would quiet her mind and focus on nothing but her intent for that chair. Executed perfectly, the chair would wiggle, as if waking up. After something's awoken it's actions are 'independent' of their animator, but are always in tandem with her. She's programmed them with intentions that she can change on a whim, dictating what the chair does. Animations don't speak, but are normally curious and playful in peaceful situations.    In animating a drawing the process is much the same. The image of whatever drawn pops off the page and becomes part of the three-dimensional realm, programmed with their animator's intents. Not very durable in fights, though. A couple hits will down them as it's simply pencil graphite holding them together.  If Aislin lets too many wordy thoughts enter her mind, she'd lose her focus on the animation. They have been known to 'die' right then on her, and she'd have to start the whole process over again. It can be very frustrating.  [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] -- Cannot animate corpses. -- Cannot animate living, sentient beings.  -- The heavier/larger the desired object, the harder it is to animate.  -- Requires a constant feed of focused thought to function (thought is energy.)  -- Limited to a small amount of animations she can utilize at one time.  -- With all her animations there is a time-limit to their life. They might last up to 12 hours, but they usually end prematurely just because their very nature is delicate.  [b]Other: [/b]She brought a half-ounce of weed to the Academy, keeping it hidden in a metal/crystal clock in her luggage. Eventually she'll have to seek out the island's dealers.  Often her free spirit trait can be confused for defiance against authority. Aislin does not enjoy being told what to do, and if she happens to break the rules, so what. She was out on an adventure, and no rule was/is ever gonna stop her.  Aislin has a fear of public humiliation and being disliked.  All her life she's seen shimmers of colour around people and other organic things. Eventually she associated the colours to emotions due to the fact that enough people revealed how they felt after she saw their colours. Only in recent years did she learn what she occasionally saw were people's auras, or energy. Currently no one knows about her little gift, but she does use it to sate her curiosity.