[hider=Serena Blue] Cs: Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/UbQd0uD.png[/IMG] Name: Serena Blue Age: 17 Any skill in particular?: Serena can focus on what she is doing without losing focus Weapon (melee and a long range weapon): A tactical knife and a small caliber pistol. Unfortunately, Serena has no ammo for the pistol. What you have in your backpack: A canteen of water, and an MRE. Bio: Serena was a jet pilot, working for the RAF. She had a close friendship with her gunner. One day, as they were flying overhead, Serena and her gunner, Mark, were on an air patrol when they were hearing reports of their airfield under attack by masses of animals, and all aircraft were told to scramble into the air. Serena flew their jet over the base, only to see that no other jets had taken off, but the entire base was a mess, covered in vines and animals. Suddenly, an abnormal amount of birds hits the craft, knocking it off course and heavily damaging it. Both of the air crew eject, but are hit by a gust of wind, separating them by miles. Serena lands in the middle of the city, and after a few days, she finds the camp. She hopes that one day she will find Mark again. Other: Serena is used to being called 'Cookie' as that was her nickname in the RAF. Me vs Nature. [/hider]