"Maps." answered Karen, "I've been studying different routes we could take to get into Canada. I now wish I'd have brought my brother's books on celestial navigation an his sextant. I know the others will want to use cars but even with good fuel mileage we'll need at least three refueling points just to get to the border." Jason was taken by surprise. "So you're going to Canada? I thought you would stay. I think it would be better to stay here. We have a pretty good life, people seem happy enough. Also, there are children. The way to Canada is very dangerous, here we are much more protected. And if I decide to go as well, what will be with those who stay? We are the only doctors around, what if they get hurt? But anyway, I believe that even if you take horses it will be hard to avoid dangers, especially with a large group. It would probably be better to split up into a few small groups. That way if one group gets caught, the others can still make it." A knock on the door interrupted Jason. Someone outside said "Hey, uh. Anyone in there? Just thought I would come keep ya company." Jason walked to the door and opened it. In front of him was standing a middle aged man. Jason thought he recognized him. [i]Al, right?[/i] Thought Jason. Jason forced a smile to his face and exclaimed "Hey there! Come on in! Karen here was just about to explain to me the sense in traveling to that colony in Canada. Right Karen?"