[u]-Yuu/Yuji-[/u] The elder's pale limbs unconsciously tightened around the wooden frame in which he had been residing in for the past Twenty-four minutes and fifteen seconds: all he could do was peer at the swaying crescendo of drunken teens which clung to one another as if their life depended on it. Lights were flashing, music was thumping but best of all was the sticky substance which clung to their naked, exposed flesh as if a constant reminder of how the pureblood would bathe in ecstasy, on how he’d bury his fangs into just about any one of the walking blood bags. Then again, the party wasn’t for him now was it; it was an excellent opportunity to teach the newborn control and although he had made exceptional progress chances of failure was guaranteed. “You look at me as if you are preparing to disown me brother, like you have been blinded and forced to see the truth, a truth you’d much rather forget and you’re right. You are better off forgetting or not meddling so how about you keep your distance when it comes to my past and wrongdoings, and I’ll return the favor when needed.” The elder brother finally said to the awkward teen which had parked his ass beside him in constant fear of social interaction. “With that said, you’ve come far since the start of this year. You’ve got friends; you’ve even gotten some experience when it comes to love affairs, or should I say crushes so why don’t you jump into it? Just keep away from feeding on drunk teens, I don’t want a repeat of that incident in September 1967.” Yuji heaved a sigh, every fiber in his body telling him to pin his beloved brother to the stone-cold floor and hope reality hit him smack in the face. Or better yet pray that he forgot the burdens he shouldered, even for a single night. “Fine, but you know I worry about you. Besides your reign of terror is your way of burying yourself in guilt isn’t it? To forget? At least try and be nice? Please? ” The male closed his eyes, waiting patiently for the courage the rambling teen had momentarily gathered to ebb off, and right he was for not long after Yuji sighed deeply, his eyes darting around the room in a desperate attempt to advert his gaze. Worry lacing his flawless features. “I appreciate your concern, and I’m sorry for going off on you earlier. I have a lot on my mind and if I at least knew you had friends there would be less to worry about.” The elder male grunted as the aching burned his throat like acid, seemingly not intending to let him be: His hunger had subsided, however his thirst hadn’t and each moment of clearly seem to be one he’d much rather be without. “Now go have some fun, I need to find and pay attention to my newborn because tonight is a great opportunity.” The flickering disco lights gently tapped against the young teen’s face, making the incredibly sensitive boy light-headed as he barely registered the fact that it felt as if all of the blood was rushing from his head, all the way down to his feet. “Yuji?!” Everything had been blotted out and the shy teens vision had been swarmed by little black dots by thoughts of socializing alone and yet he rose to his feet in an attempt to do as told. [u]-Aimi-[/u] Taking a deep breath the nervous teen hummed in a long forgotten language as she reached for the handle which turned easily, cold air immediately enveloping her body as the door begrudgingly creaked open and a stale odor flared through her nostrils. Cautiously stepping into the room with a crooked but pleasant smile spreading across her weary features Aimi allowed her wobbly limbs to carry her across the wooden surface, her trembling fingers tugging at her soon to be “too small shirt” which fell in folds around her tiny baby bump as she peered at herself in the mirror. Her hair was golden and it flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a sparkling, ocean-blue. To any man she would be considered beautiful but all Aimi could see was her ever changing frame in which was littered with imperfections and shame: a slightly swollen body, her well-endowed breasts which seemed out of place on the girl’s small and youthful frame, all evidence of their latest misdeeds. “I do wonder how on god’s green earth this will unfold…” Minutes passed while the teen studied herself in the bathroom mirror, an unrecognizable figure peering back at her before reality dawned on her: She had upped and left, giving Terra a terrible excuse of nausea. All because she knew what came next, he was leaving her.