-Kai- The room was crowded more than he remembered at parties. He'd been to parties before, sneaking in to teen parties just to prove something or get in a fight. Still, he didn't remember such big crowds. Of course, it had been loud at the parties and he'd bump into people occasionally, so he'd assumed they were pretty crowded since he couldn't see, but now that he could see all the people, it was too crowded. The room was packed full and he didn't like it, not only because he could see the people now, but because of the growing thirst as he sat in the crowded room of humans. He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to the thirst that kept coming back. He stayed in the back of the room against the wall, but his eyes kept moving to Yuu. He knew Yuu wanted him to find someone to feed on tonight, but he was still shaken over the student he'd killed during class before. Something else was bothering him as well, what Yuu had told him earlier(I assume you PMed Wonder this, but you had Yuu whisper in Kai's ear at one point and never told anyone what he said). It was jumbling all his emotions and now he was just frustrated by everything. He wore a scowl as he kept thinking about it, still looking back to Yuu every once in awhile. -Shiru- Shiru had decided to stay clear of the party. He didn't want anything to do with it really, but he did want to support his brother with what he was going through. It was his fault he was turned anyway, having asked the brothers in a desperate plea to save him. At the time, he thought Kai was his only family, and after what he'd done to the rest of their family, he couldn't let him go. But now he knew about Lin as well, the sister he'd forgotten. He was trying to remember, but he'd locked the memories away and now getting them back was a struggle. Still, he was more worried about his brother than his sister right now, but he didn't really like parties, so he just sat outside, wondering when it would be over. -Armony- Armony got to the party a little late, now pushing her way through the crowded room looking for Yuji. Once she found him, she brightened up and her smile grew. She went over to him and spoke," Hey, Yuji, enjoying yourself?" -Ange- Ange was outside the door of the party, thinking about going in. She wasn't sure what Yuu would say to her, but it probably wouldn't be good. Every time it seemed she was getting close to him, he got angry and tried to push her further away. Still, she had to do something. Perhaps talking to him in such a big crowd would get him to actually talk a bit more. She took a deep breathe and opened the door, the hot air pouring out and the smell of liquor making her nauseous. She entered and closed the door, staying near the front of the room for now, wanting to work up enough courage to go over and talk to Yuu. -Terra- Terra was packing. He was packing his bags and he was going to leave. Aimi hadn't argued, why would she after what she heard about him? She'd simply told him she had some nausea and left. He didn't expect her to say goodbye or stop him. He didn't want her to. Still, he did care for her deeply and if he could, he would stay, but he didn't want to risk it. He didn't want to end up hurting her or their child. He would never want to hurt her. Not the him now. But that's not what he was worried about. He was worried about his past life, the one he'd forgotten. If that person surfaced again, would he hurt her? He wouldn't take the chance, so now his nags were packed and he was ready to leave. One last goodbye and then she'd be gone. It wasn't likely he'd see her again, but that was a good thing, wasn't it? If e saw her again, he might not be the same person. He knocked on her door, waiting for her to answer for their goodbye.