The job itself had made Vincent skeptical: who hired someone to kidnap a member of their own family? And, if they WERE going to, why go for a man as infamous as himself? There was only one answer, truly: it was a setup. But everything had checked out. He had demanded the payment in advance, and had idly stared at a readout of his account since. The screen on his cabin’s computer flickered dully, refreshed with a light buzz, and the balance updated. All of the 0’s did not, could not, lie: the payment was his. He could leave right now, abandon the job, and still walk away a very, very rich man. Well, an even richer man than he already was. Who dwells on the details. It was about the concept really, a single payment so large. He had more integrity than that though, almost ill-suited for his profession. If you could call it a profession. Could you be a professional pirate? He laughed softly and turned the screen off, swiping his hand through the air. He turned to door to his room, walking confidently towards the bridge with a spring in his step. Gunner, his navigator, turned to him and raised his brow. “You seem chipper, sir. Safe to assume we’re paid?” Vincent nodded slowly and put his hand to his chin as he stared through the aft window towards the planet below. He rubbed his chin slowly as he thought. The navigator waited a moment before speaking again. “We aren’t going through with it, are we? We have the money. If it’s a setup, let’s just go. Free and clear.” “We’re going through with it,” he responded, speaking slowly and clear. “What kind of man goes back on a deal?” “A smart one, if his life’s on the line”. Vincent turned to the navigator and smiled. “You’ve been on my crew for years now. You’re at the helm of my favorite ship, Gunner. I trust you not to steer it wrong, so trust me not to steer you wrong.” Short, to the point, and biting. Nobody questioned Vincent, not unless they had a death wish. He was fond of Gunner, however. Any other man would have been shot from the airlock for less. He put his hand on the man’s shoulder and patted it gently. “Take us down. You have the coordinates”. He spun on his heel and sat in the captain’s chair, watching as Gunner and the rest of the command deck crew bustled to follow his orders. He closed his eyes, running the situation through his mind. Gunner, of course, had had a point. This could all be a honey trap. But the girl they had been hired to… ‘acquire’. Her own family had ordered it. People with station, wealth, and integrity. They would not work with any of the intergalactic defense corps, and Vincent was not wanted in this system. Fruitless, pointless, and below them to try and capture him. They had told him where to be, they had told him when, and they had told him who. She would be undefended, simply scoop her up and leave. They landed at the coordinates and engaged their cloaking shield. Vincent stretched and stood, heading towards the cargo bay where he had a small breach crew ready. Armed and armored, ready for anything. Keeping them off of the girl would be harder than capturing her, from the sounds of it. The cargo bay door opened slowly and they departed, waiting behind a small rock outcropping for their target to approach. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the picture of their target. He admired it a moment, cocking his head. Hopefully they weren't stuck here for long… One less system where he was just a normal citizen. One more where he going to be a wanted criminal.