[quote=Nujaby] Just saying, this is rather insignificant especially as the pm system is apparently still in it's alpha stages, but I do have a little request regarding it. Now maybe this is just me being lazy, but I noticed that when I have several pages of chatting with a particular person, whenever I close the pm chat and return to it at a later time it automatically jumps to the first page with the oldest messages rather than the last with the newest ones. Now like I said, first world problems but would it be possible to somehow modify the pm system so it automatically jumps to the latest reply? ^.^"Cuz, you know, too laaaaazy to click that button to jump to mah last page everytime. xDEdit: Actually, scratch this. I only just realized there was a 'Latest Message' button. O.O One should read before complain. So ya, problem solved, thx a lot. lewl [/quote] Yeah, in general it's like the topic system. Clicking the name of the topic lands you at Page 1. Clicking the latest message lands you at last page.