-Yuu- Piece by piece the vampire’s composure in which he once held slowly withered away and for mere seconds the popular teen morphed into that of a raving mad man before a smile was once more plastered onto his devilish attractive face. All while the young newborn hormonal mess unintentionally spilled over, allowing the intrusive sensation to demand his constant attention. “That kid will be the death of me, and my restraint.” The elder mumbled to himself, decades of experience proving that he had much to learn: the bond of a second-gen for starters. “Kai.. ” Seeming to appear out of thin air Yuu shifted uncomfortable by the newborns side, his warm breath gently brushing against his cheek. “Your mind is racing, just calm down and follow your instincts. You’ve already mastered the art of feeding on a loved one so this shouldn’t be much of a difference. Just close your eyes, let your mind wander and rely on your senses to find a victim of your choosing. ” The dominating male said teasingly, his gaze falling upon a familiar face on the other side of the room. The girl whom knew his deepest, darkest secrets and against all human nature wished to help: Ange. -Yuji- A shiver ran down the younger’s spine as a familiar voice uttered his name, causing the mess of a boy to whirl around: a rosy hue tainting his cheeks. “H-Hey… I-I lost you in class. You here with a… erm… you know, d-date?” The teen asked awkwardly. -Aimi- The gentle tapp on the sturdy, wooden frame sent yet another panicked expression across Aimi’s shivering frame. Why was he leaving her? In her waking moments the love of her life, her childhood friend had changed and she had accepted him. She had even been released from her master’s shackles and gained a new father, not that she had accepted this but perhaps that was the issue? Maybe Terra was sick of it all, or maybe he was just as afraid as herself? “No, because if I come out you’re going to leave. You don’t have to be scared, I will be here for you, I’ve got this.” She mumbled, not sure if he heard her nervous ramble of lies, she certainly didn’t have this figured out.