It was already evening and dinner had already passed. Her father decided to have dinner outside the castle for a change, but did not bother bringing his daughter with him. His son, her brother, on the other hand, got invited and both of them were still out. Probably hanging out at some taverns or even visit some prostitutes. So tonight Allison had decided to have her dinner in her headquarters, located in the basement of the castle. Her father had hated the idea of a princess living in a basement, but after he heard what her plans were in renovating the place, he gave in. It was a pretty awesome idea after all. The whole place was lid up by soft LED lamps in the floor, giving the whole room a cosy feeling. There were also panels attached to the walls with LED lamps behind them, giving the whole room a 3D-effect. Her furniture was quite modern as well, but still girly. Her father only agreed to the renovation if he could pick the colour combination. Pinks, purples and light blues made it a girly hang out. Allison was fine with it, because it provided everything she needed to be comfortable: her own bathroom, a bar, a gaming area, a lovely bedroom and a small kitchen. Although she was not allowed to use it, it still seemed like a nice addition to the place. Allison entered her bathroom and sat on the edge of the bathtub. A few minutes ago she had filled up her tub and added one of her favourite bath bubbles. Her bathrobe and a few towels were laid next to the tub to make it easier once she got out. After undressing and placing her clothes on the cupboard on the wall, she lifted her leg up to test the water. “Ieh! Hot!” She whispered, letting herself slide into the water anyhow. The water was burning up her skin, but it was quite cold outside, so a good bath would do her good. “Play classical music.” Allison spoke loud and clear, making sure her voice recognition picked up her request. Not a moment later Allison was ready to close her eyes and relax. “Hmm..”