[quote=Archmage MC] The Walking Dead, a Zombie apocalypse drama.Also Yog, waiting on you. Remember, Light's hand flew into your cyclone, and she'll be wanting it back :P.Also, how would you guys balance a hero with Majin Buu levels of regeneration? [/quote] I would say those levels of regeneration are far to high, I mean that even puts Wolverine to shame. [quote=Lookie] I'm talking about the episodic TellTale point and click adventure game based on the Walking Dead comic. Friggin' thing is an emotionally exhausting roller-coaster and I love it.Never was too big on the TV series. Not my kind of thing, I suppose? To be fair, I haven't really given the series a chance either. Games and movies are more my kinda things. [/quote] Have you played the Wolf among us by Telltale? Same setup as TWD, but set in the Vertigo comics Fables universe. Damn that's a good game. I lay awake at nights thinking about all the horribly wrong choices I made in that, cursing myself for making such mistakes. Never had that response to a video game, apart from maybe the Banner Saga.