[quote=BlackSam3091] Yeah, they are really the masters of high emotional gaming. The Banner Saga is also good, but it's so grim it can sometimes induce apathy I found (And that's coming from a sworn cynic and pessimist) Theres also a good trilogy of interactive novels on Steam I found called heroes rise. Playing those was the first time I've done an all nighter for a game in a looooong time. [/quote] I looked into The Banner Saga. It really does sound interesting. I'll need to see if I'll find any money for it, buy it and play it and such. Not too sure on the idea of interactive novels in general, but I'll go see what Heroes Rise is about. Ya seem to have good taste, so maybe I'll like this one. Not too sure on the Borderlands title, but it should be interesting. Aren't they working on something Game of Thrones too, or was that just a rumor? Can't remember anymore. I think I'll be off to bed. This headache's getting worse so I need to close my eyes. Imma try and write a post tomorrow.