[b]Alex Clark - The Outpost - Nelson/Reggie[/b] When Reggie came what resembled mst charging through the door he sent both of the men a ferocious glare. Then he started talking. There had been an incident, a murder. Samantha had been murdered by someone within the Outpost. Woah. He needed a moment to let that sink in, but Reggie didn't allow him to. "Alex, report back to your cabin immediately. I have something to discuss with the scouts. Do not talk to anyone along the way or do anything but this, for I will treat that as suspicious." He looked at his feet and nodded, muttering an inconsistent reply. On top of having to stay home, he was now forced into a real house arrest, unable to leave the Outpost for whatever reason possible. He already felt his heart sink into his shoes as he thought about the prospective. It only hurt more that Reggie explicitly had to state that he had to discuss something with the scouts, of which he clearly was not a part anymore. Even worse, he had already earned Reggie's suspicion for murdering Samantha. He almost left Nelson standing there, all alone, but then decided that the man needed to sleep somewhere, and with th entire situation, noone was going to help him with that. [b]"Hey, uh, Nelson. I'll show you the way to the newcomer's cabin. Follow me."[/b] --- [b]Alex Clark - The Outpost - Nelson[/b] Once outside he saw the entire Outpost in a strange silence, with muffled voices coming out of all cabins. It was fairly intimidating, but he had little eye for it. Showing Nelson to the cabin he waved him goodbye. [b]"Don't do anything stupid with Reggie in this mood. And don't worry, usually this place is pretty safe."[/b] --- [b]Alex Clark - The Outpost[/b] From that point on a horrible few weeks arrived for Alex. Forced into doing nothing almost all day long, he spent hours and hours of desperately keeping himself busy with as many tasks and burdens as possible, to escape the horrible moments of terror and guilt when he thought about the people he had gotten killed. He could see their ghosts walk slowly towards him in frequent day-dreams, haunting him, calling him out for getting him killed. Sometimes they were human, sometimes they were crawler. They always were about to kill him, making him shake into reality with cold sweat running down his back. He slept less and less, only adding to his desperate nervosity, and he tried to run from the visions by working even more than before. The fear of the attacks became almost as worse as the attacks themselves, and after a few weeks he was in a state of insomnia and fear that he tried to hide behind a masterfully crafted facade, that most people could see through if they tried. The situation in the Outpost itself didn't help either. Everyone was stressed by the murder, and Reggie's unusual behaviour only made things worse. Quickly insults, threats and accusations were thrown around, everyone being seen as a potential murderer, Reggie being the most irrational. He quickly saw the unofficial leader of the Outpost reduced into a state of permanent paranoid accusations, and even he had become the victim of a wild outrage of suspicion. Despite how he respected the man, it hd dawned on him that he wasn't fit to be a leader anymore. Not for the entire Outpost at least. Being paranoid was a good characterstic out there, but inside this community they needed mutual trust, a thing that was sorely lacking, and kept fading away as he continued on his irrational behaviour. Soon however he was blamed for the murder himself, and the situation deteriorated even further. He did not believe the rumour going around like a fire that Reggie had killed Samantha, having withnessed how protective he was of human life on scouting missions, but his voice was lost in the weathering storm. One day, Reggie, together with most of the experienced scouts, suddenly left. He absentmindedly noted that Reggie hadn't taken him with him, as an ex-scout, but he understood the man's decision, however much it jarred him. He was unreliable out there, not good enough. he would be more of a risk than an asset. But perhaps Reggie just did not trust him anymore, and suspected him from murdering Samantha for real. After Reggie was gone, the chaos that had been barreled up inside his rigid discplinary house arrest all exploded. A new wave of accusations were voiced, primarily against Reggie, and already proof was being thrown around by Elliot and George, all to eager to show it the moment Reggie left. Why hadn't they showed the proof earlier? How had they even gotten that proof, Reggie's personal journal? Being a history student at heart, he decided to apply source critism, and therefore became a bit wary around both Elliot and George. That feeling quickly faded as everyone started to accept that, and they didn't seem to act like plotting murderers to him at all. Time to take off the tinfoil hat and be useful, he had thought on the morning that the council decided to draft a new scouting team. His chance to prove his worth again, and escape the Outposts' borders and his agnozing visions.