[quote=Archmage MC] The only problem with America is their insistence on capitalism. Socialism is far better, and if we adhered to that, we'd have a cure for cancer like 4 years ago. [/quote] I guess you have to live in a Socialist country to begin to appreciate Capitalism :/ Australia is following a largely Socialist approach and is pulling some next-level bullshit, politically. They're currently looking at adopting a more [i]Americanised[/i] health care system right now. Because, you know, walking into a doctor's office, paying $50 before you go in and getting $30 back once the appointment is finished is [i]terrible[/i]. I have also never been more appreciative of the U.S Constitution. There is no explicit Freedom of Speech in Australia. There's barely Freedom of Political Speech. Anti-Sedition laws has been in place since the Howard Government, the current Abbot Govt. is is introducing anti-protest laws, are enacting plans to dredge areas of the Great Barrier Reef and states such as Queensland have introduced laws stating that if three or more people are riding motorbikes together, they can be pulled over and questioned under suspicion of being a gang. If three or more people who [i]look[/i] like motorbike riders gather outside a court house to provide testimony, there have been instances where they have been arrested themselves for an 'illegal gathering' under the new laws. There are also schools in Australia where cartwheels are banned due to Workplace Health and Safety guidelines and have been for nearly 6 years while the Australian Senate discusses bringing back Corporal Punishment in schools. Sure, someone washing dishes in Australia can get paid $17/hr, but the cost of living is unreal. Fuel alone costs costs over $1.50/L (at least $6/gallon). Look at anything that you can purchase in America and double the price and you'll have the cost of the same item in Australia. [i]At least[/i]. No, Socialism is all well and nice, but it comes with some pretty hefty costs. Sorry for the long-winded post. Clearly I have my own thoughts on the matter.