[center][b]Lilly[/b][/center] Lilly opened her eyes and looked around the room a bit, she noticed Cassandra in the room. *gasp* She fell out of bed onto the floor. "You scared me Cassandra! Besides how'd you even get in my room? Wasn't the door locked." She laughed and stood up. Lilly crawled back up onto her bed and sat down. She was on the tip bunck so she was looking down at Cassandra. It was kind of awkward for Lilly because usually she's looking up at Cassandra because she's so short. Lilly was only about 5 foot. She was short, expecially for her age. Lilly loved the fact she was short though. It meant if she ever got a boyfriend he would have to bend down, and kiss her and she could fit into small spaces. This was especially use full in hide and seek, she loved that game. "But, anyway, what'd you need?" Lilly asked.