[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/wtddhz.jpg[/img][/center] Danny grinned, stepping forward to show off her new tattoo to her now official comrades. "I have never felt so excited about a tattoo, and I've known y'all less than a week." She commented, still grinning as she looked towards the captain. Her smie faded when Kai spoke of leaving, but she couldn't really blame him. Waterdeep was his home, and it was in pain. Danny understood how he wanted to help, even if it meant leaving the ship. she smiled meakly when he said the part about leading the crew. "I'll try my best, and I'll be sure to find where you are when you wish to return. it won't be the same without you." she nodded, trying to seem adult like and serious, but the smile that crept onto her face gave away her true nature. when the ship was sailing off, the navigator waved until she couldn't see Kai anymore, and then waved some more. when she stopped, she rushed to her maps, selecting one that would be most useful on the trip to Utsukushī. consulting her compass, she set the course, taking a mental note of where they were headed, the conditions of the waters, and the weather patterns coming up. straightening up, she wandered to where Luro was, still staring at the map as she listened to his ramblings. distracted by his voice, she grinned, brows furrowing in disbelief. "You're always getting mixed up. Its from all the booze you consume, it's gone and softened your brain." she smiled wider, giggling at the tall man.