This is a vary little to no gm game, you control what your character does and how they do it. It is a game too see what would you do in a zombie apocalypse. You can interact with others. Start a gang, rob, steal, kill, ect... anything you wish. Try to make it interesting. Make it so you are ambushed by zombies, interact with others. There is no cure, once your bitten you have an hour too live. No one is immune. I might invent a cure later on. You decide when the day is over for you. once you feel you've done a days amount of stuff, you write (end of day) on your post. Then you can write what your character does at night. Once your done with your nigh, put (end of night) at the end of your post. Rules: 1) No god moding, its a standard rule, no one touch death, kicks to the moon. 2) you can enslave zombies but you cant make them your undead army. They only live to bite you. If u manage to cage one and have it as a pet that's good. 3) ask other players before you kill them. If you plain to rob them you can only take there money and car without permission. You have to ask before taking there weapons or clothes. You can also invade peoples houses and rob them. You can take anything in the house. 4) one week of inactivity and your character is zombie food, if you have an issue and you cant get on for a week let us know on the ooc and pm me. 5) to start out everyone gets one gun. Either a pistol or a rifle. No automatics or big guns. A typical gun people would have in there home. 6) try to do things as real as possible. One person cant carry 20 things in one hand. There are backpacks at the Walmart you can steel. 7) give people a chance to respond. If u are robbing them or just talking to them, let them respond. Zombies: The newly bitten can run, jump, climb, and even use weapons. Once they start to decay (after a month or so) they cant climb or run as high or far. Jumping is also shortened a bit. After 2 months they cant jump or climb. 3 months cant run or use any weapon. Zombies are not smart so they cant use guns. after 5 months they are skeletons. They die by destroying the brain. Tree zombies: Tree zombies can do anything a person does. Even run as fast. They die similar to the zombies. Destroy the brain. Or light them on fire and in a couple minutes they will burn to death. They can move while burning. They might be disguised as trees.