[b]@Everyone (Especially Grunts):[/b] I added Light Machine Guns and Submachine Guns to the custom weapon selection. If you want, you can exchange your current weapon to a new one for free, along with weapon mod changes. It's been pointed out to me repeatedly that these things are missing. NOT ANYMORE! Stuff like grenade launchers though will still be custom mod territory. --- [quote=Alphakoka] Matthew upgrade:Upgrade mutation: Feather BonesNew Mutation: Muscle StimulusNew Unique Mutation: WIPNegative Mutation: ?Must have mutation: In Forma, Quod Puritas: [/quote] [b]Feather Bones[/b] --[b]Gas sacs (Rank 2):[/b] An evolution on the existing mutation, gas sacs are found all over the body, though most prominently in the limbs. These small sacs create small bumps on the skin that can be seen by the naked eye though can be hidden by clothing. They draw air from the lungs and store it, allowing the Listener in question to fall slower, jump even higher, or even make course adjustments in flight. At this point the Listener could jump to the top of a two storey building. Repeated use and abuse can easily fatigue the user, however. (Even faster movement, greater jump height, can survive greater falls, moderately improve defense while airborne.) (Mutation Effect: Visible bumps on the skin where sacs are located, unusually deep breathes with unusually shallow exhales from time to time.) [b]Random Mutation[/b] [b]Impulsive Paranoia:[/b] Mathew will sometimes twitch or spasm uncontrollable when faced with danger. This can sometimes save him from harm with an instinctive dodge, and sometimes ruin a perfectly good shot with a firearm. (Sometimes beneficial: Instinctive Dodging. Sometimes negative: Panic shots.) (Mutation Effect: Twitchy in combat.) --- [quote=Heyitsjiwon]Hmm, what happens if I upgrade HE Training more? More explosives? Can I make bombs o.o?[/quote] Suitcase Explosives. As in, the kind that level city [i]blocks[/i]. --- [quote=Raen Elvarasi]What would the Chameleon Upgrade be?[/quote] Wall crawling, likely. The ability to stick to any surface. --- [quote=Jorick]Nathaniel's upgrades are as follows.Upgrade Synaptic ParasiteAdd Charming Aura (this is cumulative with the diplomacy bonus of Too Innocent To Kill, right?)Custom mutation - Nathaniel's body, having experienced its first real life or death combat with a gun, has adapted to improve his odds of survival. The muscles and nerves throughout his body have changed and become better than they were mere days ago, and even his brain has gotten a bit of a boost. Nathaniel's reaction time has improved greatly over that of the average human, to the point that he can start moving out of the way of an attack at almost the same instant as his opponent starts to move, and when he decides to attack without warning he is quick enough to almost always get the drop on his opponent. In addition, his hand eye coordination has improved and his hand and arms are far steadier than they used to be when holding a gun, which is a great boon to his accuracy in firing. (Bonus to reflexes and gun accuracy) (Mutation effect: The veins in Nathaniel's hands and arms now stand out very clearly and vividly through his skin, and they appear red instead of blue.) [/quote] [b]Synaptic Parasite[/b] --[b]Familial Legacy (Rank 2):[/b] Parasites can now travel a small distance independently to attempt to sneak up on and take over a host. They can also be thrown akin to grenades, however the parasites are quite vulnerable. The parasite now also has a 'kill switch', if someone attempts to remove it from its host or on command of its master, it will snap the spinal column and kill its host. Parasites can now attempt to dig into the host body's memories to find secrets and transfer these memories telepathically to the Swarm mutant, but this also gives the host a chance to overpower the parasite for a few moments. (General upgrades.) (Mutation Effect: Cockroaches and other insects are drawn to the swarm host.) The diplomatic bonuses are somewhat cumulative, yes, though designed for different purposes. Pick either the amazing reaction times or the accuracy bonus. :hehe [b]Random Mutation[/b] [b]The Voices:[/b] Nathaniel has noticed that on occasion he can hear the voices and conversations of entities within the Shadow Zone, even miles away back in Bunker Chicago. The only issue is when this happens, he has no way to discern or filter the voices, and so thousands of voices ring through his mind, some louder than others. This can induce nose bleeds and cause him to hallucinate. On the other hand, this can also give him extremely valuable intelligence about what the enemy is about to do. (Mutation effect is clear) (Mutation Effect: While in this state he very visible sweats and his pupils envelope the entirety of his eyes.) --- More to come later when I can get home from work and get some good ole' sleep. :hehe