[b]Katie - Haywood - Waiting[/b] In the days following the 'Lauren incident' as everyone was referring to it in whispers, Katie had been trying to be good for Emma. She didn't like anyone else, not even Emma's brother Daniel, who scared her a bit. The only people she would listen to and talk to were Lauren and Emma. There wasn't much to do for a little girl. Katie met a nice lady named Jessalyn who was going to have a baby, but she wasn't comfortable around her. She still wanted her daddy. She wished for him every day. But she was quieter about it now. No one liked him, not even Emma though she tried to hide it from Katie. Speaking of Emma, she had nightmares regularly. She tried to hide it but Katie heard her at night. It made her feel bad for her friend. So she tried extra hard to be a good girl for Emma, do what chores she could, bring her flowers that were actually weeds but they were the best she could find, draw her pictures with scraps of paper and pieces of pencils that she found. She was actually finishing up a picture right now. It was a picture of Emma and Katie holding hands with a heart around them. Underneath it Katie had written : I luv u. Holding up the picture and pronouncing it perfect, although she wished she had crayons to color it and make it prettier, the little girl went off to find Emma and give it to her.