"Haha aye perhaps your posture with said blade was a wee bit off, Mistress..Though ye still held strong and fast. Prepared were ye to engage me and even remained in the fields of battle after it began..this is not all of what makes a warrior though..Nay the real reason is one that you cannot deny." Taking a moment, the Dragon shifted in place, leaning closer to her and looking down into her eyes. "..You came to me, frightened and confused as I shielded you from the rain..Hands gripping the arrows that were in my neck and just the slightest push could have felled me. You held my death at your hands be it for my carelessness or what have you. What had passed was not such an event. My mistress pulled them from me and removed the arrows despite how terrified she was. Courage is what makes a warrior strong, restraint..is what makes a warrior great. Ye nay need believe such words and if you wish to doubt the words of a Dragon? 'Tis fine. Though believe this. Truth holds honor for truth holds consequence of ones actions. Deceit..hah, a Human invention. You are a warrior, Rosalie. Even if ye nay such realize it now.. The day will come when you will stand proud and hold true to the fire within you. All we need do is wait for the day to come." The Blood Dragon being proud of what he is, made it so that he didn't notice the way they regarded him. Sure the brothers seemed to be responding in such a way that showed -some- respect. The girl though..She seemed to stare at him as if he wasn't quite renowned in the way he was. 'Just a Dragon'..These thoughts angered Gore to an extreme extent. Dragons were greater and will always be greater than these..-things-! The disdain in his eyes grew more with how she seemed to question his learning of the camera she tossed at him. Mostly due to the fact that it -was- about the camera, but also for how she looked at him. Rosalie didn't seem to say anything but Gore just felt that she was judging him in some way or even more than that, staring at him like he wasn't to be trusted..Did she think that?! Did she [i] truly [/i] believe that he was some common Dragon or that his words meant -nothing-!? Having some loss of common sense was to be expected but the fire within his heart burned strong. Could they stand where he stood?! These thoughts filled his head, though he continued to try and keep him calm and remain friendly. After all..Despite this specific way Rosalie stared at him, there was also a warmth to them too..An acceptance. After all, she was being more kind. Though that was how Gore was. Kindness from a -Human- was always questioned. After all there had to be some kind of ulterior motive to it.. What if she meant it though? That thought, despite what his instincts were telling him? Made the Blood Dragon pause and even stop his own judgement and paranoia of them trying to hurt him or even see him as they do. With a faint grumble, the Dragon stared at the girl before him and clenched his fists, growling now at the thought of that wretched damned device! "..It is the workings of pure evil and must be destroyed." Gore claimed immediately, without hesitation. Though after a moment, the Dragon shifted his stance once more, letting out a sigh. "A contraption that takes the realm in front of it and freezes it in place. The elder of the three of you had spoken about teeth..I presume that is when I attempted to crush such a..argh..wicked thing. That confirms what my thoughts claim it is. My dislike for it shall nay ever fade either. What sorcery is this to take the realm as it does and forces it to remain still! That is such a cruel fate!" It really did seem that Gore was out of touch with even the simplest of devices, but he wasn't wrong on what it did. Understanding was one thing, knowing the specifics behind it is another. "It also gives off a bright light when it is angered.." Another growl escaped his lips. "That contraption seems quite..angered, by me as it flashed quite a lot in the passed moon. though I wish to know..The contraption you grasp..does it hold significance in some way? Am I to be forced to use such things daily?" At first, Gore seemed to have trouble grasping what the girl was saying. 'To watch my back and I theirs.'. What did she mean by that? Wasn't it a given that she would be keeping an eye on him just in case he broke her rules?! "Hold my words to be true, mistress..believe what I say. There will nay be a single moon that passes where I am not there to watch over you..I know not what watching ones back means but if it means what I believe it to mean, then aye. I..would be honored, if you were to watch over me as well. Believe such or not..hah, Not a single human has ever said such a thing to me. 'Tis the opposite of ways..They would speak such cruelties and made sure that I held knowledge of the consequence if I were to fail at protecting them. I would receive a far greater punishment. When I was ill and recovering from the falling of rubble upon my head, my human had tripped and I was.." Clenching his fist, he continued after a deep breath. "I had been too wary too catch him in time. He chained me against a wall and allowed people to pelt me with stones until he felt that it was enough. Him meeting the ground had to be repaid by me meeting a similar fate." "You are my mistress..The title nay belongs to any other -but- you and I should address you when others are around so they know that you hold authority over me. If I do not, they may find themselves believing that I have done something to you, or that you are weak which [i] I [/i] know that isn't so. I have seen your strength and it is befitting to be my mistress..Age is nothing to be ashamed of, After all..look upon me..do you see that I am ashamed?" He asked, knowing that it was different for him than her, but still wanted to make a point. "I suppose if that is what my mist-..what Rosalie wishes, than I shall oblige her until she desires otherwise. Though considering my age? You are quite far from being young hah. Besides such a thing as seasons passing, you are well formed human for..well..being just that, human." Gore hadn't realized that he complimented her looks so the lack of a blush seemed fitting. She fell quiet..Was she angry at him for how he talked about death? Judging by how Rosalie has been acted towards the fallen in battle, the Blood Dragon actually worried over how she would react to his views. Did Gore actually care whether or not she liked him in some regard? That's impossible!..Right? Years and years had passed since this ancient Dragon first encountered humanity and since the very first day? He knew that he was anything -but- approachable to them. Fear was always residing in the eyes of the people around him and he was anything but Human. Really? He'd prefer to be a monster in their eyes than be a corrupt infant. "Nay need your thanks, mis-..Rosalie. I granted such words to you and I, unlike many..believe I am bonded with honor and loyalty towards you and your wishes..nay the less, You hold my thanks as well..this is the first time a human had been kind to me in any such ways..You will always be able to rely upon me, all ye need to is give word." He still seemed to be struggling with what to call her. Mumbling? A blink came from Gore when he was trying to recall what exactly he mumbled and when it hit him, his eyes widened. He didn't want to tell her..but he couldn't lie. "My words..nay would such harm you in anyway..I merely was stating that my own actions throughout my kind and yours..I hope to change such fates, To use the hatred I feel for the better and not the worse. I am far from naive for I am fully aware of the actions that lay behind me, Though one day, hopefully my actions will be for a greater cause than just pure survival." The Blood Dragon had no idea why he just told her that. Genuinely not wanting to, it came as a shock that he would even start when he had the opportunity to tell her different. Lying wasn't his style but..That was a bit personal and she could use it against him if she so wished! Moving his claws to his face, he rubbed his eyes. Ignorant to how long the two brothers would take to return, he did hope that they would come back soon so he could learn of his new hearth. "If we must, we should take the risk of flying to your hearth under the cover of night..My size may be a detriment, aye..but it is possible. The way we had suggest is safer for others to not know of who I am, and will even grant us ways for travelling within this form..but leaving such decisions up to those two may not be best because after all? you are my mistress.." With that, he looked up when he thought he heard something, thinking that maybe the two finally decided to come back. If they did, what exactly would they be forcing him to dress in?..