Lyren was in his natural element, water. He glided effortlessly through the water as he drew closer and closer to Crescent Academy. He had chosen to swim all the way there and it had taken about three days to do so. A pouch made of the same waterproof material as his clothing protected his acceptance letter and a few other belongings. While his bag, made of the same material carried the rest. Though tired after a long swim, Lyren was completely relaxed as he swim the last bit to shore. He climbed out of the water, nearly dropping to his knees as his legs readjusted themselves to being on the ground. Part of the journey had been on land, but most of it was in the water. He looked around as he let himself rest for a moment, taking in the sights of the school he would be training at. Being a mage was a risky job for an Elemental. You were either hired because of your excellent control of your element, or ignored because of your race. But it was what Lyren wanted to do, so he would do it. His hair was pressed against his head, back, and chest, still dripping wet. But his clothes were relatively dry already. Not that they bothered him in the slightest. Wet was nice, especially in the heat. His kind didn't do well in the heat. After resting a minute Lyren began making his way toward the school, every moment as graceful as the waves, hoping that they were still letting students in this late. Otherwise he would have to sleep outside tonight and he really didn't want to do that. Especially since his back and shoulders ached from carrying his belongings the entire way. Teleportation would have been easier, but getting someone to do it for him would have nearly impossible. As he made his way through the school gate and noticed two figures by the opened front door, and another one just inside. He paused for a moment, his untrusting nature getting the better of him. But his desire to get some sleep was more so, so after a moment he approached them. "Pardon me." He said softly, "But are they still letting students in this late?" His voice wasn't as smooth as usual and held obvious weariness in it. Traveling from Elemental territory all the way here would do that to a person. Especially one as young as Lyren was. His muscles were bunched and ready in case either figure attacked. He was still close enough to the water that he could create his water blade within seconds.