Vincent was not left waiting for long: within a few minutes of their arrival, the royal entourage passed. Looked to be the king and his son, along with a majority of the castle guardsmen. More than was really appropriate, more than he'd need. Enough to leave the castle mostly undefended in all of the key places. An easy job, just like it was promised. Once they had all passed he started to slink towards the castle, staying hidden just in case. His men had all followed behind him; this was far from their first time pulling off a kidnapping... but these were royals. Vincent had never been so brazen in the past. If it weren’t for the fact that this were an inside job, no means of stealth would’ve been enough: the castle’s defense grid would have picked them up and they would be ash in the wind. But they had been paid, as promised. The guards were gone, as promised. The grid was off, as promised. But would the princess be alone, as promised? As they approached within 100 meters of the castle wall he brought up a holographic plan from his wrist computer. He studied it a moment, making sure they were on course, then looked to the building itself. It was quite beautiful, really. Decorated like a modern fairytale. He shrugged, looked to his right, and gave the fire order. The man to Vincent's side leveled his large rifle and fired a salvo of explosives, ripping a hole in the wall of the castle. Sheetrock crumbled to the ground around the hole and they made their move, rushing towards the opening. “Nobody kills anyone. Fire only in self defense. Capture the princess unharmed.” Vincent spoke and the men all understood how serious this was. As much as the client understood the need for realism, they had been perfectly clear about leaving all of the servants unharmed. Smash and grab. The smashing was over with. Vincent looked to the plan again and hooked a right, heading for the castle's basement. Odd that it wasn't a tower.