Taking her time to scrub every single piece of skin she had, she noticed her skin getting all wrinkly. “Just a few minutes more..” She mumbled. Taking she showerhead she started rinsing out the heavy hair mask that had been filling the whole bathroom with lavender. It was one of her father’s gifts a few months back when he visited several foreign planets. It was a very thick mixture of oils and flowers, bottled in a wooden jar. The ingredients on the back of the jar were unknown or rather rare on her planet. Ever since she got that present, Allison wondered what was out there, in the galaxy. But of course, she was not allowed to leave the castle only if her father told her so. Besides, he spoke of ‘marriage’ a few times already, freaking Allison out slightly. She knew coming of age was the moment to find a partner but all the princes she had met were, how Allison had said it out loud before, ‘pussy’s’. Her father was not pleased with this reaction and said consequences would follow. A few months later and nothing yet had happened. So, Allison wasn’t too concerned about her father’s threat. Slowly pressing herself out the tub, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her hair in an instant. After stepping out of the bath, she started drying her all up whilst humming to the music. Dressed in just her bathrobe, Allison made her way to her bedroom. There, she sat behind her computer and opened up a message that had appeared onto it. [center]”Allison, This is Prince Alexander again. Why haven’t you responded to my latest messages? I just wanted to let you know my father had agreed for me asking for your hand. I’m sure your father would approve. Greetings, Alexander.” [/center] “Oh.. How romantic.” Allison laughed a little, shaking her head to the message. [i]”What makes him think I will just agree to his proposal?”[/i] Allison wondered. She thought about how sad thing have gotten if messages like that appeared onto her computer. Where has the romance gone to? Even heard of dating? Maybe even an occasional present? With a deep sigh, Allison got up and started pulling clothes out of her closet and put them on her bed, trying to decide what to wear.