[quote=Endrance] what the lead singer did has no consequence on the music made, especially since he didn't make the music alone.Just kinda irks me when people are like "oh he molested a baby, i hate that song now." It's kind of like an exercize done in my english class. He showed us a painting and the kids were like it's pretty but then after he mentioned it was by hitler, came the frowns. I don't think music should have a connotation, that's why i especially like daft punk or the gorillaz because if you don't delve deep you don't know the people behind the genius. I went off on a rant but meh [/quote] Usually I can handle that kind of thing, especially since I listen to Michael Jackson and few other things like that. This one though was just hard to swallow. So... did I just kill whatever momentum this RP had with this talk or something? COME ON PEOPLE.