A loud crash yanked Zmerr form his pleasant sleep. he jumped out of the bed wondering what could have caused the noise. stepping outside, compete silenced enveloped him. he began to wonder if he'd even heard a noise at all. then he saw them. tall flames licking the sky and spitting out their twinkling embers. they spread quickly, devouring the stables. Zmerr quickly ran toward the flames. this was no ordinary fire as the flames were green and silent. someone had purposely set fire to the stables and then placed a silencing spell on it. probably hoping no one noticed. but then, what was the crash? a horse came galloping from behind the stable. Zmerr beckoned it toward him, hoping to calm it down. it had a large gash on it's front leg. it must've gotten caught on something and pulled itself free. that must be the cause of the noise. this incident required the help of a magic user. Zmerr ran into the school and began looking for someone to help, but it seemed precariously empty.