Alex was walking through the village when another soldier came up to him. "sir the council asks for your presence" Alex sighed "great what now" Alex then followed the soldier to the main building. Alex then walked inside the build which had a large round room with twelve men who are all different ages. Alex then said "to what do I owe the honor of being summoned" One of the men stood up and said "you have been summoned so that we may talk about your questionable actions the past few weeks" Alex said "you mean training our future soldiers in case we are attacked by Ayamota or maybe something worse." Another council member stood up and said "Your actions could destroy the very peace that we have been working on all these years" Alex said "you forget, if it wasn't for my father and his friends the Itakei would have been wiped out." The first council member said "Are you threatening us Soldier" Alex said "No if I was threatening you I would be using my newly trained soldiers to back me up." Alex then turned around and said "I ask you this council members are you going to risk the safety of our clan for a peace that is on the edge of a knife!" The council went quiet, no one wanted to be the one to answer. (I'm going to continue this next post but I think here is a good place to pause for a bit.)