Thovren's ears twitched at the shouting. He didn't know who they were. They didn't sound familiar and as much as he wanted to believe help might have arrived. It could also be anyone, maybe a trick by one of the things that attacked them? He would rather find out and risk himself than have Brisa run into the unknown and potentially get harmed. He quickly loaded his crossbow in the middle fo the room. "Wait here please until it is safe." He didn't have time to make sure any one them were complying with his request. He simply spend out and easily managed to catch up t Brisa. He pulled her off to the side. "Don't just run towards the first thing that talks." he tried not to scorn her but that was really the only way this was going to sound. "Especially just after the entire town was killed or kidnapped. Do you know this..... person is safe? is it one of them?" He waited a few second for a response. "Let me check it first," he said firmly "If they are dangerous, better I take the brunt of it rather than you. Or at the very least just stand behind me. And if they are friendly well then I apologize in advance." He was the only person with passable fighting skills left in the village. And he took it upon himself to try and protect what was left. With a situation as dire as this he felt that someone had to take on that role. At least until they figured out what was wrong. He took a deep breath and ran towards the gate. Who ever it was didn't manage to get through the barricade, which was a good sign. He climbed to the top of the wall and looked down to see a boy, probably not any older than he was and a horse. He rested his loaded crossbow on the barricade, not facing the boy but just for ease of access. "Hello." he said in response. "Who are you?" he asked, straightforward and to the point. He didn't feel like pleasentries were proper in this situation. At least until he new the boy was just a traveller. But then again that posed even further questions if he was alone. He could always introduce himself afterwords. "Why have you come to this village?"