...Huh. Her eyes stared down at her terminal, poking at it a few times before she remembered how to get to her notifications - Ah! There it was. With her eyes scanning over the electronic screen and her lips moving at a quick pace as she silently read over the instructions, she promptly ignored anything defining wills or disclaimers towards harm or death and a flourish of the fingers had it printed out and signed off within mere moments. The will part had been done a long while ago (those paranoias you had when you were a technological retard), so it left the disclaimer that it wouldn't be the Garden's fault if she did get taken out to be scanned over with a few glances before that, too, was understood to the basic concept of "we aren't paying you if your child fucks up". Thus, by the time Duncan rounded over next to her terminal, she held up the completed will and disclaimer for him to take. To follow she had some actual semblance of understanding behind it? [i]"It moreorless says that the Garden can't lose money for stupidity leading to our deaths, and I've signed it as instructed. I completed my will on the fourth day of being at the Garden, as well, and I've completed reading the set of warnings and instructions. Is there anything that needs to be done, Instructor?"[/i] Hey, she might be shit at computers, but she could read fast at least. Three cheers from Nom-Nom for quick reads.