"-A fair amount of ranting on feminism-" Subverting my opinion to a rant and disregarding everything I wrote, without bringing up a single point of the entire argument? Atleast try to form a structured, logical approach and meet the criticism leveled against you. Instead you wave it off with cynisism and snide comments. Making you look none the better for it. Hell, you were making no distinction before this, you were speaking of feminism as one entity. Don't try to slate it over with "I only meant a part of it." That is not how it works. You were painting up all of Femmenism to be one thing you were apperently presenting. You by doing that, generalize. Words are important, meanings are conveyed differently from your mind. That said, Anita is like everyone else, allowed her opinion on the matter. It is regretfull that she takes the side of Quinn, who has proven herself to be everything but a model human being in the way she treated the entire situation. I think a important part in this is to remember that the lass is human, and Is likely unable to comprehend just how fucked up things are around her due to her selfish, seemingly entirely self serving ways. I personally dislike the womans (Anitas) sensationalist vibe alot of the time, but if we want our lovely media to ever be taken seriusly we need people like her. Criticism, as stinging as it can be, is vital for any media. It is part of a artform and mediums growth. Anita, for all her faults, live a life full of death threats becouse gamers are a easily offended bunch. Imagine that, you critize something for a easily recognized pattern and WHAM, you are being called every terrible thing in the book and wished death upon. This is a far bigger problem then any third wave feminist (Not that I can with a straight face ever call Anita for one.) can ever provide. They (The Feminists) exist becouse people like those anonymous, degrading people exist. And, despite her many, many flaws in her presenstation, Anita has improved alot. She still needs to open up for sensible debate however. Hell I found myself agreeing to some of her points as of late.