Lyren felt very nervous under the gaze of the three people at the door. He stayed tensed, even with the words from the one in the door about the school being safe enough. He was an Elemental, no where was safe. He turned his tired eyes to the dracon female, Asthia he believed he heard her name was, when she began speaking to him. About having read about the Elementals but not having seen one in some time. That was on purpose. Though the Elementals have been treated better over the last one hundred years, there was still a lot of hate toward them. And Lyren expected a lot of that be to here at the school. He shook his head when she asked if she had already gotten his name. "It's Lyren." He said as equally softly as the first time he had spoken He purposely left out his last name, she had mentioned reading about Elementals, and he didn't want everyone to know he was practically a prince. The other female, Sylph, began to walk back into the school, and it seemed Asthia was going to follow them. So he decided it would be to do so as well, he didn't know where the dormitories were after all. But he jerked back as balls of the flame suddenly appeared lining the corridor. Out of sheer instinct, he almost put them out with his magic, but remembered before he did that this was Crescent Academy, they were probably safe and contained. Though the school was probably very well designed, Lyren found himself eyeing the flames more than examining the school. He could do that after he rested. His long swim had tired him out. The flames were luckily too small to the change the temperature or dryness of the area by much. The light showed that there were other students around, probably new like he was. He could feel their stares on him, even as he did his best to ignore them. He made the mistake of glancing around and saw hostility in more than one stare. He was just glad they weren't making a move against him, or saying rude things. This was a good start for his kind. But still, he made his six foot, lean frame as small as he could and kept his eyes on the ground in front of him.