[i]Childish.[/i] She thought while she continued to eat her stew in peace. Finally after some time Mika had managed to find some peaceful place after all. The food wasn't that bad in her opinion and she had only looked up from it when she had heard the trouble stirring up. Luckily an officer had put down the ruckus with a scolding. Not particular caring for it, as she wasn't part of that group, she continued to finish her dinner. When the others started to head back to their cabin, Mika started to socialize with some girls. It wouldn't hurt to become friendly with some other girls for now. Keeping up her act until she was under the sheets, Mika thought about today. It hadn't went that bad in her opinion. She had made some ground and probably came over as a friendly person who also enjoyed some peace now and then, most during during. Or maybe she hadn't yet established that. But there was enough time to do so. Not really fretting over it, Mika listened to the soft whispers of some girls that spoke with each other. Probably friends of each other or people who could get along on already day one. Closing her eyes, Mika decided to ignore them. [center][i]Just need to... focus on my ... goal.[/i][/center]