The death threats Anita receives doesn't make her points any more valid. It simply means someone was pissed enough to send her a death threat. And having looked at the death threat post myself, it looks a lot like typical Internet threats that people throw at each other all the time. And Anita either didn't understand that's simply how the Internet talks, or she's taking advantage of it go gain attention and sympathy. My money's on the latter, cause she's pissed off enough people there's no way this is the first death threat she got. People like Thunderf00t and TheAmazingAtheists get such threats daily, and in terms of general popularity they tend to be smaller names in comparison and don't ruthlessly lie about something that millions of people care about. It's just seems impossible for this to be the first time Anita got one of these, so the fact she didn't panic and run to a friends house until now seems to indicate it's an act. Especially considering this is almost immediately after Phil Fish and Zoe Quinn attempted to stage a hack against them. Am I defending the death threats? No. But I acknowledge they are common place in Internet culture, and anyone who wants to be Internet famous needs to get used to that. As for the articles/logical fallacy bit. Miss-interpretation on my part then, sorry about that. I got the impression you were saying that attention should be shifted off of Quinn onto the others. Though honestly Zoe Quinn has evolved past being just a Journalism corruption issue. It itself has turned into an other feminism/war on women battle. And also turned into a battle that has resulted in staged hackings, and the shutting down of charities. I can't think of any other gaming journalist situation that has escalated into such a thing before.