Fair points. I concede on the issue as you did point out that it was (regrettebly) how people on the internet work. They think nothing of it becouse they are safe behind a screen. Its still degenerative, ILLEGAL activity however. It escalated into it becouse the media is evolving into a corruption of the whole female struggle. Its a problem, a massive one, that people like Quinn try to clear themselves of guilt by claiming mysogony. Granted, 4chan holds some of the worst internet has to offer, and I have no doubt it houses some pretty terrible, female hating idiots. But the fact is that people like Zoey are great at one thing; Manipulation. She isn't dumb, she proven that. She is very good at swaying people, trough any means possible from the looks of it. But she would not have been able to get this ground swell of support had it not been for sensationalism of journalism. The whole hacking affair is just another part of internet culture. Hacktevism is a thing, it was only a matter of time before it became a beligerent source of attack.