As it is, there are a few things that I sort of raise an eyebrow at. First is his abilities. There seems to be quite a lot for someone who is only 23 years old. I know you haven't written the background yet, but I still feel like being a supernaturally good hunter, trapmaker, fistfighter, swordsman, herbalist & survivalist is going a bit overboard. Take a few things that he has had time to practice and stick with them. Survivalist, herbalist, fistfighter, perhaps? I'd say that knowing how to hunt things goes under Survivalist a bit, but make it a "normal" hunter. Perhaps even "basic knowledge of firearms", though I think that was what you were going for. Secondly is his powers. He's a Wendigo, true, but the whole Blood Tracking thing seem to be a bit unlike the Wendigos (from what I just read up on). That, and it's a bit overpowered. His ability to track someone down increasing if he gets a taste of their blood (I.E - Catching their scent = making it easier to find them) is acceptable, but knowing exactly where they are is too much. Then there's his supernatural strength and speed. I think that by "mindblowing supernatural" (and here I'm only going by assumptions) that you mean something akin to Shounen Anime Protagonist Speed and Strength. Him being faster and stronger than a normal human (twice, thrice as strong, perhaps a bit more?) is okay, but (and again, assumptions only) going to ridiculous degrees is something I'd like to avoid. On the topic of speed and strength, unless he has trained his Human Body to be at the top of human physique, then he will only be a normal human. He doesn't get any bonuses from his Shifting unless he [i]is[/i] shifted. [b][i][u]AND THIS COUNTS FOR ALL OF YOU![/u][/i][/b] Something I forgot to mention, you can only perform minor magical feats when you aren't Shifted. For example, Lily wouldn't be able to make very powerful illusions when she's in her human form. If, however, she changes to her Hybrid or Fox form, she becomes much more powerful. Also, while changing to your full form will give you some advantages, you don't actually increase that much in power from Half to full (if you have a Hybrid & Pure form). For Thule Alexander, his Howl of Dread that makes people go "I... don't wanna be here" would be somewhat realistic in his Human form, plus a bit heightened senses, perhaps.