Rins familiar nodded at Slick when he passed and the when back to laying on rins unconscious body. After a very strange dream rin woke and got to his feet, he wasn't fully sure what the dream meant but he would find out sooner or later, but for now it seemed his familier wanted him to follow somebody up the mountain so thats where he went. [hider=Dream]While Rin was unconscious he was amazed to find that he was walking in the void, there were strange creatures the likes he had never seen, "you must learn to morph" a voice said from the darkness as Rin slowly waded through a pool of pure emotion. "whats that?" rin responded, and then Rinion noticed a small creature on an old wooden table surrounded by dusty books and jars of specimens. The creature was called Link, he was a librarian of sorts, "young master Rinion i am the void librarian and you have come here for a reason yes?" the creature the scuttled to the other side of the table, "I must get stronger" rin said as he took a seat at the table. "Well young master you must morph" said the small creature "and what is this morph you speak of?" rin inquired "next time you soul summon do not be the doorway for the soul become the creature you summon, it is dangerous but if done correctly you will taste power like never before" Link said with a grin. and with that the creature slashed a mark across rinions chest and as he fell off the chair he woke up, was it real only time would tell.[/hider] [hider=Link][URL=http://s766.photobucket.com/user/rinionheleg/media/1100x900_6516_Skrzak_2d_creature_evil_dark_small_fantasy_picture_image_digital_art_zpsc0b3e9fa.jpg.html][IMG]http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx307/rinionheleg/1100x900_6516_Skrzak_2d_creature_evil_dark_small_fantasy_picture_image_digital_art_zpsc0b3e9fa.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider]