[Center] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2a7y33m.jpg[/IMG][/center] The voyage was a quiet one at first, with the exception of Ray playing traveling tunes to fill the silence. Luro made some sort of declaration that he was joining, which meant they'd probably stay a little longer than originated- unless they just ended up staying for the whole tournament. "Well, if you go, hopefully you win the money. And you know, prove you're an epic fighter." [I]"Let us drink and be merry all grief to refrain ~ For we may or might never all meet here again~"[/I] She sang along with Ray until the song was over and he stood up. She was sitting on the ledge over the main deck, and looking down at all of them. When he walked towards her, she hopped down. It looked important so she decided not to be so high up. She listened to him explain himself and merely nodded. He did swear an oath- though she only knew the bits and pieces as to why his mind was all over the place except with them. He swore a new oath and Runa saluted. "Well, as I told you once, I shall tell you again, it's good to have you on board. May we have many adventures together." Luro spoke up again causing Runali to shake her head. "You mean to tell me all this time you didn't know my name? Luro your head is stuck in the clouds." The one eyed girl then saluted him for being in board with what Ray said. "Who said you guys were allowed to die any time soon?" Runali smirked and then turned back to the ledge she was on and got comfortable. [I] The trip to Utsukushī was a three day trip... [/I] The crew did their normal activities while on the ship. The captain helped Nolan clean the kitchen and watched him cook dinner. She was interested in how he managed to be such an extravagant cook, so it didn't hurt to watch. Another day, she got Dani to show her the different maps she gathered from the trips. It was good to know what her crew enjoyed. It brought them all closer as a 'pirate family'. Of course, she sang songs with Ray and attempted his viola, and found it much more difficult than she thought. Instead of the nice music Ray made...she managed only certain notes that didn't sound like screeching animals. With Luro, Runali knew she couldn't drink with him. It would end up in her death or something. So she merely enjoyed the silence and the scenic view of the ocean with him- until she ended up falling asleep. The third day rolled by and the captain decided to sit on the edge of the ship and go fishing. For awhile, there was nothing and Runali sat with a bored expression, occasionally even falling asleep. [Hider=No fish][img] http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31500000/Lumpy-and-Russell-go-fishing-happy-tree-friends-31533719-1600-1200.jpg[/img][/hider] It was silent for awhile. When the captain woke again, the island came into view. [hider=Utsukushī (Much prettier and tourist like inside the town)][img] http://images.sgcafe.net/2014/07/iwami-1.jpg[/img][/hider] She abandoned her fishing post and whistled yo her crew. "Utsukushī, dead ahead!" She was on the main deck once more, waiting for everyone to gather. "So, I say we enjoy the town and see the tournaments. And if Luro joins, we have to cheer him on."