Rinion had sensed a new student, only somebody with psychic powers could have grabbed his attention, he didnt know who it was so he needed to find out. he started running but as he did he got flashes of images in his mind, different creatures with different abilitys. Rin concentrated on a creature that he thought looked fast and he pulled its soul into this world, as he did he rememberd the dream and instead of letting it out his body he trapped it inside him, his scars glowed and he screamed. his skin started to bubble and his bones snaped until her resembled the creature he saw. [hider=onyxhound][URL=http://s766.photobucket.com/user/rinionheleg/media/alienwolfthing_zpsad1babce.jpg.html][IMG]http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx307/rinionheleg/alienwolfthing_zpsad1babce.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] As he ran towards the academy on all fours he realized how fast he was in this form, this creature was built for speed as he lept from tree to tree with ease until he reached the Academy in a matter of seconds ,then exhausted he shifted back into himself but lacking clothes, luckily his cloak was still attached. "hello" he said to the newcomer as he closed his cloak to hide the glowing scars on his torso and the rest of his naked form. "who might you be?" he asked