[center][img]http://i743.photobucket.com/albums/xx78/Sophie_Pan/5dc249d684414d148cc6abbb52ba9588.jpg[/img] [b][u]RULES[/u][/b] [/center] • NO ONE LINERS!!!! ATLEAST 1 PARAGRAPH! • [b]REAL images only, please. This means, real models. Real face claims. No cartoons, no anime, no drawings, none of that jazz. Just real images of real people.[/b] • Two characters max! No more than that! Also, I don't want an overflow of scene/emo/or asian characters. Sorry. They're overused. If I get too many, I'll have to start turning people down. • Swearing and sexual tension is permitted, obviously. This is a roleplay based off of young adult angst and romance, after all. Do whatever is necessary for your character's personality. But, there is always a line. If it gets crossed, you'll get the boot. So, essentially, keep it pg-16. And if things get hot and heavy between two characters, please do some sort of scene skip. • Please post at LEAST once or twice a week.