[center]• Name:[url= http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-f8CYdhgSFg0/Uj42ARlGuXI/AAAAAAAAaUc/_RQ1utk7zjw/s1600/naya-rivera-terry-richardson-01.jpg]Elizabeth Walker[/url] • Age: 22 • Sexuality: straight • Reason Why Their Here: was a call girl addicted to drugs • Likes: a good time || shopping || anything lovey dovey • Dislikes: frogs || mary sue's || no money • Bio: she started the "hardcore" party in high school and has been lost ever since. Her best friend in high school was a call girl and thats how she got into the business. For her it was quick way to make a lot of money to keep the party going. • Pulling the Strings: therealsoysauce[/center]