Personal Information Name: Kyle McLeod Alias/ Nickname: Highlander Age: 16 Gender: YY Cabin: 15 Appearance: [img] [/img] Family Godly Parent: Morpheus Human Parent: Anna McLeod Legacy: None General Information Personality: ENFP. Likes: Good conversation, girls, getting along with people (especially girls), symphonic metal, pretty girls, and classic American Muscle. Dislikes: Anything made after 1979, drama, thieves (and by extension, any child of Hermes) Talents: Dream interpretation, nonconventional fighting. Biography: Kyle was born in Scotland, but brought to America when he was two years old. He’s always known his father was the Lord of Dreams, as Morpheus has visited him frequently in them. At the age of twelve, his father informed him that as he matured, his connection to the dreamworld would change, separating them from easy contact. Before this happened, Morpheus gave him two things. The I’kok for a companion, and the location of Camp Half-Blood. Theme Song: Weapon Information: Weapon Name: The I’kok Weapon Type: Scimitar Weapon Appearance: [img] [/img] Attributes: The I’kok is a sentient sword Morpheus won in a game of riddles, imbued with a deadly curse to eventually betray whoever wields it. Kyle isn’t worried, though, because the sword fears his father, but any who take the sword from him regret it. Kyle doesn’t know who made the sword, or who his father won it from, but the sword serves him faithfully as companion and instructor. He doesn’t talk about the voice in his head. He’s sure the senior camp staff know about it, but they’ve never mentioned it.