[quote=Hellis]I think a important part in this is to remember that the lass is human, and Is likely unable to comprehend just how fucked up things are around her due to her selfish, seemingly entirely self serving ways.[/quote] Regardless of her comprehension, it does not exempt her from criticism. Criticism that is fully valid in the face of shutting down charities out of personal greed and sending her verbal assault squad in the journalist media to attack anyone who points out just how wrong she is. A big part of this isn't specifically Zoe Quinn: It's the fact that she's so easily twisted the games journalist media to her side because [i]she has a vagina[/i]. [quote=Hellis]I personally dislike the womans (Anitas) sensationalist vibe alot of the time, but if we want our lovely media to ever be taken seriusly we need people like her.[/quote] No, we don't need conmen. We need more people like Jimquisition and Extra Credits: People who point out [b]real[/b] problems without having to manufacture them and explaining potential solutions to those problems instead of spending their entire 20+ minute long video telling the audience how sexist and evil they are if they have a penis. [quote=Hellis]Criticism, as stinging as it can be, is vital for any media. It is part of a artform and mediums growth.[/quote] You missed a word there. [b]Constructive[/b] criticism is vital for any media. Random criticism that has no basis in logic or reason has no place but to distract us from real issues. A lack of female protagonists is a real issue that needs resolving. The fact that you [i]can[/i] kill women--like you can kill anyone else--in Hitman, is not a real issue. The issue is Anita argues from two points: That all women are victims of misogyny, and that all men are misogynists if they don't agree with her. If you don't believe me, just watch her Feminist Frequency videos. She rattles on about how pretty well every game in existence is a male power fantasy, despite many games letting you play as a female protagonist, or are games that aren't of the violence-filled adrenaline pumping shooty variety. [quote=Hellis]Anita, for all her faults, live a life full of death threats becouse gamers are a easily offended bunch.[/quote] Everyone is an easily offended bunch. Not just gamers. Also, she lives a life full of death threats because she's essentially telling the entire gaming demographic, male or female, that their hobby makes them sexist misogynist bigots who will kill and murder and rape in real life because they ran over a woman in Grand Theft Auto. Yes, she does actually make the claim that video games will make you into a sexist rapist. She makes the exact same claim that Jack Thompson did, only instead of murder, it's rape. [quote=Hellis]Imagine that, you critize something for a easily recognized pattern and WHAM, you are being called every terrible thing in the book and wished death upon.[/quote] ... Like every other person in history ever, regardless of their gender? Fuck man, this shit's been going on all the way back to Galileo. This is absolutely not new. You attack something that many millions like, and out of those many millions, some odd one percent of them can and will send you death threats, either to troll you or to vent their aggression towards you. Period. To proclaim that the majority of the gaming community actually sends her death threats is ludicrous on the face of it and you know it. It's extremists and fifteen year olds doing this, [b]not[/b] the general gaming community who just wants to be left alone to Mario jump into the next world. [quote=Hellis]This is a far bigger problem then any third wave feminist (Not that I can with a straight face ever call Anita for one.) can ever provide.[/quote] Third wave feminism has... --Shut down charities. --Further poisoned and corrupted the entirety of Gaming Journalism. --Attempted to corrupt the new atheism movement and partially succeed (Atheism+) --Infiltrated and poisoned the general media. --DDOS websites. (Rarely. Usually the Tumblrites do this.) --Sent death threats to perceived threats. (ex: Thunderf00t.) Angry gamers have... Um... --...Stopped buying games? --Sent death threats they've never acted on. Yeah. Those evil gamers and their evil gaming. How dare they... Have an opinion. That doesn't mesh with what feminists think. [quote=Hellis]They (The Feminists) exist becouse people like those anonymous, degrading people exist.[/quote] Feminists exist to improve the lives of women. Real feminists, like Malala Yousafzai, who challenge real institutionalized sexism, immediately have my respect and backing. Malala was shot in the [b]head[/b] for wanting to have an education. This hasn't stopped her from recovering in a hospital and continuing to push forward through educating herself and those around her. She uplifts people. [b]That[/b] is real, good work. Uplifting, creating, constructing, improving. All Anita has done is whine about how gaming is sexist. She has in no way attempted to improve gaming. None of her criticism is constructive, she offers no useful advice or solutions that could be reasonable acted upon. All Anita has done is spread at best misinformation and lies at worst. She's one of the worst examples of feminism on the planet... Period. Zoe Quinn is the same. I'll bet a big reason the Zoe Quinn situation is exploding is precisely because people are angry that she shut down a charity that was supposed to create a game featuring a female protagonist, created by women... Because [b]feminism[/b]. Even attempts to create more female protagonists get shut down because lolfeminism. Anita supporting Zoe Quinn in this is no surprise: Anita hasn't bothered to try and inspire the creation of more female protagonists either. [b]Neither of these women in any way, shape, or form, do fuck all in improving the state of gaming[/b]. That's why people hate them. It's not because they're women and have an opinion. There are plenty of women on the Internet who have an opinion and nobody (save that nasty incurable 1% I mentioned earlier) harasses them. The worst they might get is "lol ur hawt", which is a compliment if nothing else. [quote=Hellis]And, despite her many, many flaws in her presenstation, Anita has improved alot. She still needs to open up for sensible debate however. Hell I found myself agreeing to some of her points as of late.[/quote] No. She really hasn't. The only construable improvement one could note is that she's had more time to gather more misinformation. Even then, her videos only release on a schedule of... Oh... One every eight months? She refuses to respond to criticism, often labeling it sexist, and spits in the face of actual progress. Anita is your enemy towards more inclusiveness for women. Not your friend. Same goes for Zoe Quinn.