[img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/819/481/9fe.png[/img] And as it turns out Anita was faking it. This just goes to support my earlier point on how dishonest she is. As for Zoe, it is true that without this much attention she would not have gotten as much support as he has. But her support is in reaction to all the criticism she's getting, so I honestly think it balances out with all the people who are calling her out on her bullshit. And 4chan does tend to house a lot of the shittiest attitude's the Internet has to offer, this is true. But the evidence still points towards her and Phil Fish having faked the hacks, 4chan not being part of it at all. And even if they were, that's not the entirety of 4chan. Shutting down the Charity that 4chan supported would have still been uncalled for.