[quote=Grif of Hearts] I was thinking bigger size = moar health but that doesn't seem encouraging enough on its own. Do y'all have any suggestions on what else growing larger could possibly do? Maybe a boost to other evos too (with the downside being it costs a loooot of energy to get it working)? Or maybe growing larger is just a thing that happens over time. What do you all think would be better?*shrugs*Contemplating on making all evos happen instantly and have them each cost 1 energy per turn. However, evolving (for example) Bite Lv2 and then Bite L3 would count as two evolutions, meaning it'd actually cost 2 energy per turn and take two turns to complete. Does this sound like a good idea? It's simpler for me to work out at least. :p [/quote] I think evolving a bigger body should give plus 1 to digestion level and +X health I like the holding back on evo's Also How is horn damage going to be calculated? Just a flat number or will it like... be based off of swim level?