Mystique was very weary by the time she arrived at a small town called Rathbone. She had traveled many miles to get there. In fact she was on the road for the 10th day and felt like she was a dead fish. Shadow was in dire need of a good grooming session as well. Over the last 10 days, Mystique had rode Shadow on many wrong roads, meet uncivilized people who did not like anyone who was seeking to be a wizard (or a wizardess as she liked to call herself since she was a female) and was pawed by various males which she nearly used one of her knives on each of the 5 that would not relent their advances. Now she is looking for an Inn called Last Sanctuary where she hoped to spend the night. A hot meal and a bath for herself and for Shadow, a good grooming session and new shoes for she was sure that the ones that he wore were no longer any good. Mystique found the Inn and tied up Shadow before she went inside to speak to the Inn Keeper. "Good evening, Inn Keeper. I am in dire need of a room, bath, hot food and a good grooming session for my horse. Can you assist me in getting what I am needing?" Mystique asked in her soft musical voice. "Of course I can if you have the money. 2 silver for you and 2 more for grooming and stabling your horse." came the quick reply. "Here you go. Do you know of a person called Gandalf? I need to speak to him as soon as possible if not sooner." Mystique spoke as she placed 4 silver coins on the counter in front of the Inn Keeper. "Gandalf the Grey? What would you need of him, lass?" the Inn Keeper asked as he slid the money into his scrawny hand. "I need a portal made in the morning. Now may I have my key?" Mystique spoke firmly as she held out her hand. "My horse's name is Shadow. Be careful with him. He can be cantankerous if he decides to be. Do you have someone to find Gandalf? I'll pay when I see him and not before." The Inn Keeper placed a key in her hand as he whistled. "Boy, stable the horse outside- name is Shadow then get Gandalf. When you get back, check out the horse, clean him up and feed him. " the Inn Keeper replied sternly to the boy who took off running. Mystique walked up the stairs and to her room. She was going to enjoy her bath then eat..........