Incoming wall of text: [hider=Important] A month ago I was in a tight spot due to my internship; the company was consistently presenting me with delays to do my actual work, and I felt trapped, stressed, and with little time. I was told I would have to spend much of my remaining Summer days working diligently on a project that was so far delayed despite the fact that I was /supposed/ to have begun work on it at the very beginning of summer! That was what I had expected, but in the end I might as well have employed myself a few weeks before college started up again, because prior to that I could do nothing for my work. Now that there is but a day left until I go back, and it is pretty much set in stone now that I'm no longer going to be working for this company, I'm technically "free." It suffices to say I panicked when the stress came along a month ago, and the resulting feelings of depression also made me believe I was wasting my time on RpG. So ultimately what I did was declare myself 'leaving RpG indefinitely'. Of course, within but weeks of doing so, it appeared to me that I would not be able to complete the work, and essentially got off easy. Despite this, I did not want to return to RpG so quickly, and seem like a complete flake; so I created this account to hold me off until I decided to come back with my original account. Now that college is about to start, and I realize how silly this ruse is, I'll just come clean. [/hider] tl;dr I'm Asuras hi guys.