Octavius frowned about as he realized something was going drastically wrong with his idea of how to behave in a tavern. His companion had spotted someone she didn't like, and was now taking out her rage and frustration on the poor bastard. The man was slammed across the room by a jet of water, and then a hole was bored through him by the stuff. The captain shuddered a little while she demanded her boat with a sick smile on her face. "We're working on it. Fuck. I didn't say I had one ready, I said I'd get you one." he then whipped around, shocked, when his old friend suggested that they invite her to join them. "Are you fucked in the head too? Is everyone around here just pants-on-head retarded?" the pirate lord was not about to invite Ceres onto his ship. "Did you see what she just did? She just murdered that guy. You know why? Because she was angry!" his voice was a little shriller now, obviously a result of his agitated state. "She's been angry and awful lot lately. And did to miss the part where she's a she?" Octavius couldn't believe that his friend would be this daft. "Why don't you ask to join her crew, and see how long you last before she starts freaking out because it's her time of the month, and the crab cakes aren't perfect!" clearly, he didn't have much faith in this lady just yet. The doctor didn't have much to say when he thought over the points his captain made. They were good points. Crab cakes were hard to get right, and water boring a hole in him didn't sound appealing. "Let's go get her a boat, then." he suggested. Everyone smiled at that idea, the captain gestured, and the crew piled out of the inn, heading off toward the docks. The man in charge waited for Ceres to be ready to go before heading out as well. Most people steered clear of the group, fortunately enough. The average person probably assumed a group this large was a press-gang of sorts. The navy was always looking for more crew. Captain Cuttlam used this to his advantage, and had the group head toward the part of the waterfront dedicated to more civilian traffic. "Is that dhow with all the swivel guns rigged out still around here?" he asked one of the sailors he had picked up. "Just came in yesterday. Not planned to leave until tomorrow." answered a totally different sailor. "How's that sound, eh? Little live-in boat for you, big enough to weather a storm, small enough to sail yourself if you like." Octavius figured it would do. Unless she decided she wanted a piece of his much larger pie. Such a piece would certainly dwarf her whole pie, and with the doctor behind her, it would be hard to say no. Wouldn't be hard to shoot her in the back if she fucked them over, either. He could see the merits in it. The pirate lord resolved not to invite her, since he wasn't fond of her attitude, but he wouldn't refuse if things came to it. He immediately had cause to curse his decision, though. A whole boatload of marines had just steamed across the harbour to check this side, just in case. And now the group was headed right toward them. With not real excuse to about face and run off, they didn't have much choice but to continue if they wanted to look inconspicuous. "Them's marines, skip'..." suggested the lead sailor, unhelpfully. "Alotta marines..." added another one. "If you don't have anything helpful to say, please remain quiet." the captain was thinking hard now. He only had two people he really needed so far. And he didn't even really need Ceres. Tapping the good doctor on the shoulder, the pirate got ready to run. It was going to be another wild escape, he was pretty sure. And this time he had someone to drag with him...