[B][U]By Chance A Chance Encounter[/U][/B] Lacey leaned back in her seat a gazed out of her compartment window watching the Wizarding people mingling on the platform. This was always the worst part of waiting to get to school, watching the clock. As she stared almost vacantly out of the window she was stunned to see Aella. Arcane a customer of her mom's. Surrounding the young witch were a gaggle of students, young witches and wizards were clamoring for her to sign something or anything. Aella looked around herself desperately and locked eyes with Lacey then suddenly disappeared. This made the crowd frantic to find her as they spread out an began casting spells to trace her. [B]"Lacey please be a dear and close the blinds so it'll block any traces"[/B] said a disembodied voice from the seat across from her. Lacey complied if a bit slowly and as soon as she latched the blind closed Aella appeared and locked the compartment door Aella spun and hugged Lacey with a sigh then released he saying [B]"So sorry for the intrusion dear but I was feeling smothered and you're the only person I saw that I knew would help"[/B] [B]"Sure Aella but I don't know what I can do"[/B] says a confused Lacey [B]"Dear you already have I love my fans but sometimes they can be a bit too aggressive. You are safe because we know each other and you don't go gaga simply because you see me."[/B] giggles the lead singer of Mystic Puppet Lacey turns red at the compliment and struggles for something to say. Aella pats her hand an says [B]"Please let me hide here till the Zephyr arrives at Salem, that's all I ask and I'll give you anything you want"[/B] Lacey blinks as Aella makes such a large promise because as long as she's known the young witch she's never known her not to mean every word she says. [B]"Y...y...yyou don't need to go that far Aella, I did it not for reward but to help one of my mom's friends[/B] Aella laughs softly then hugs Lacey once more saying in her sweet soft voice [B]"That's why I like you Lacey, you're selfless. Not many in this world are. And I meant it when I said anything because I know you'd never abuse the boon"[/B]