[center][b]Kiddo[/b][/center] "Oh, I told you guys I was leaving. Didn't you hear me? Besides. The Funereal isn't even until Friday. We'll have a whole day to kill tomorrow. And, I haven't been here long, just about 30 minutes. Also, how'd you get into my room? That note was on my desk." Kiddo said staring at Lorenzo. Kiddo wasn't made at him, he just didn't like that fact that the door to his room was unlocked. What if it wasn't Lorenzo? What would have happened? [center][b]Lilly[/b][/center] Lilly's eyes darted around the room. There were a couple holes in the walls. "Oh! I guess I am a deep sleeper." She laughed blushing a little. But, why would a demon attack me? It's just confusing me." Lilly said a little, worrying. You could tell in her voice. It was shaky and she stuttered a lot. "But, you and Lorenzo are half Demons?" She asked. For some reason she wasn't scared, she felt calm. Lilly smiled. " That's rough I guess. But, your tails are super cute." She laughed a little. "I know it's a serious matter but I can't help it.' Lilly began laughing a bit more. "That's just freaking adorable. And, I bet your mother was a good women, she gave birth to you didn't she?" Lilly smiled again and looked at Cassandra. "Don't worry, i'm not going to leave your side. After all you and Lorenzo are my friends. Speaking of Lorenzo where'd he go?" Lilly asked looking puzzled.