The lead council member then said "you are in no position to ask that of the council." Alex turned to the leader and said "Am I not?" Alex then said "I ask this as the head of our armed forces, not as the son of our great hero." A older council member stood and said "maybe we should hear what this young soldier has to say" The second council member said "that is out of the question, he is a mere soldier not a politician why should we listen to him." Alex turned to the second councilor and said "are you afraid of the truth councilor, that the two clans are not alone and that a greater threat may linger on our very borders." The lead councilor said "those are only rumors soldier and you should be wary of what you say, you don't want to end up like your father." Alex said "you are the one who put my father in prison even though he had evidence." The second council member shouted "you speak treason soldier, guards take him away." The guards didn't move. The second council member said "what is the meaning of this." Alex said "this is called doubt council members, and I will show you the truth." Alex then walked out of the council building and headed toward his home.