[b]Name:[/b] Shohreh “Sherry” (or Shirley) Attar [b]Appearance:[/b] Stands at five foot five inches with a curvy build. [URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/the_help_you_doll/media/bloop%20bloop/Real/forest_bride_by_mahafsoun-d5nzhso_zpsd1f2e811.jpg.html][IMG]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/the_help_you_doll/bloop%20bloop/Real/forest_bride_by_mahafsoun-d5nzhso_zpsd1f2e811.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Status and Job:[/b] Journalist, volunteers to read to children at the library (on her rare days off) [b]Skills:[/b] -Information Gathering -Self-defence skill -Sneaky sneaks -Photography -Speech craft -Lock picking -Multilingual -Networking -Blackmail [b]Talents:[/b] -Storytelling [b]Strengths:[/b] Loves a Good Story - Can be ruthless, in the pursuit of truth and knowledge…and very, very tricky, spinning the yarn of falsehood around the necks of the gullible. She loves learning the tale, and making it better, or at least what Regina’s equivalent of better is (case by case basis). “Look, it’s not good story telling to just go and turn a beast into a man. Good story telling is like…romanticizing the world’s most hated character! Or, the most forgettable one! When you can do that, well, you know you have them (the readers) eating out of the palms of your hand...just beware; lead too far and too long, and it’s inevitable that you’ll be far past run out of bullshit to feed the masses.” [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Loves a Good Story – if you catch her ear, convince her that you’d got just the thing she wants to hear…she will be willing to trade information, and lets her guard down, leaving herself open to tricks, traps, or outright lies. [b]Relationships:[/b] Regina Mills – “A wicked, bossy, rather cunty woman…and yet, somehow, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Far past just obeying authority, the woman has my eyes and ears, and I’m more than compelled to follow her. I’d like to think that the compulsion stems from that ‘old soul’ feeling people have mentioned here or there, the woman has more stories to tell than just the lead up to her role as mayor. But…as far as I can see, she is a strong woman who cares for the whole of the town, even above the individual citizen. I think I wouldn’t mind babysitting her way-way-distant future children…if Regina was a little less cunty.” Jane Doe – “I don’t know where the mayor picked her up, but no one has come forward to this day with any idea of who she may have been, prior to her amnesia…besides that Carlyle fellow.” Mr Gold – “A man with a hand in every business, not unlike my nose stuck in places where it doesn’t belong…he pedals what people want, what people didn’t know they wanted, and what he can make them want. Need…nobody needs something from a man who asks too much in return. I...don’t recall his first name; I may need to consult with my sources.” Robert Leland – “The mayor has his ear, and he dances on the strings she pulls…a string looped several times around her little finger, and finally continues down the front of her shirt. Loyal to her, blindly, even…it’s not love, as far as my understanding goes, but he seems to want to play knight to her as best he can.” Henry Carlyle – “The newcomer in town, a stranger to all. As far as anyone can tell, he seems friendly enough…maybe too friendly. He’s mentioned that a lot of towns people remind him of people he has known in the past, and quite possibly might know that Jane Doe…but nothing is certain.” Ruby – “The town crotch, always ready for a go. Choice of apparel is questionable, but handy for attracting her interests. A list cannot even be compiled of the men she hasn’t slept with, too few. It isn’t a secret that she’s doesn’t have the most secure relationship with her grandmother.” Granny – “The old woman runs the town’s only inn. She doesn’t impose on her granddaughter’s many affairs, and for that, I wonder if there is a measure of respect for privacy or just general lack of caring between them?” Mystery Woman – “Not much can be said about a mystery, except that she’s waiting to be solved…well, she has been in town for a while. There have been mentions, rumours here out there of the woman being spotted around town, and a few acts of violence here or there were soon to follow.” [b]Brief Bio:[/b] As a journalist, it’s her job to gather information and discover the truth, then write up and report on what is allowed (or not) to be disclosed to the public…as well, she work to gather and present information to Regina, where applicable. Kind of like an investigator, except the cunty woman isn’t paying her for her (extra) time used. C’est la vie, what you gonna do? Regina is mayor. In her spare time, she likes to drink tea and reread (___) for the nth time, go shopping for new perfumes. Above history, she loves poetry and interesting quotes, and telling others long stories she’s heard or read, time and time again…