"The tail maybe cute, but it's still unnerving to fell it twitch or flick when I'm not expecting it" Cassandra said with a small smile, said tail flicking in Cassandra's relief that Lilly wasn't going to run off screaming. Cassandra let out a soft sigh as she tried to figure out how to explain to Lilly how complicated being here as half demons. "This is a demon fighting school, Lilly. As far as most people here are concerned, we are abominations. Most think, if they knew what they were, that we should be killed. When we draw our blades...well, I can't speak for Lorenzo but the few times I've done it, having something that makes me aim for gives me some control but...generally we are out of control when we draw our blades..." She sighed "I suspect a tamer that knows what we are is attacking us. Or me so far. And now you. Because you are a part of our group. That's why you will be targeted" She sighed, wishing it wasn't so. She shook her head as if trying to get rid of those thoughts "as for were Lorenzo is...he said that Kiddo needs us but I didn't want to leave you behind, because of the demon risk. So I stayed behind to help you if you for attacked. We should stay together until the others get back"